The rules of CCTV signage - what you need to do to be be legally compliant in the UK

The following article is a guide to the rules around CCTV and signage in the UK. There’s various complications around CCTV signage linked to UK legislation - including differences between business and domestic use.

What is the law around using CCTV signage

Because images of persons are classed as personal data then the rules of the GDPR apply though there are some instances where GDPR is not applicable these will be highlighted later. Due to this fact then adequate CCTV signage must be in place.

According to the Information Commissioners Office (ICO): "The CCTV operator must let people know they are using CCTV. Signs are the most usual way of doing this. The signs must be clearly visible and readable, and should include the details of the organisation operating the system if not obvious." taken from the "CCTV filming carried out by others" webpage.

By "not obvious" if CCTV is mounted on a building that only has 1 occupying company who own the building and had the CCTV installed then they are the persons "operating the system". If any possible doubt about who it is that is the contact for installed CCTV then the signs should err on the side of caution and include these details.

The installation company (unless they are also the persons who own the building/had the CCTV installed) are not an "operator " of a CCTV system, so they should not be the persons any signage points to - they are a "data processor" not "data controller" in regards to GDPR (see GDPR notes for more details). The correct persons signage should be pointing to are the persons who had the CCTV installed, usually the company/organisation in the building but could be for example the owners of the building or a management company.

CCTV signage must say why it is in place for example a statement like this should be displayed "CCTV in operation for the purposes of crime prevention".

The rules do not state what type or size of CCTV signage should be in place only the information that should be displayed.

If inadequate CCTV signage is in place then any evidence of wrong doing caught on CCTV can be refused by a court of law due to contravention of the GDPR.

Summary of UK government CCTV signage & GDPR guidance

In summary, the UK government’s guidance on using CCTV signage is:

  • Images of individuals are classed as ‘personal data’ and are therefore subject to data laws / GDPR

  • The CCTV operator must therefore inform people that CCTV is in operation IF in a ‘public domain’ (i.e. public space NOT private space)

  • Signs are the best way of informing people and should therefore be used - but are NOT necessary in private land (i.e. domestic property scenarios)

  • There is specific guidance as to what information should be included in the signage to accurately communicate details (including who is operating the CCTV system and how to request for the footage - if in a public domain)

What signs do people using CCTV need to display

The type and specific requirement of what CCTV sign to use depends on the kind of property - i.e. domestic or business.

CCTV sign rules for Domestic properties

It depends on what the CCTV is covering as to what CCTV signage must be shown.

If CCTV is installed in a domestic environment and does not show anything beyond the boundary of the property (i.e. privately owned house and garden) then GDPR does not apply and therefore CCTV signage does not need to be as rigorous but is still recommended to be in place so persons entering the property are aware of themselves being on CCTV.

If domestic CCTV covers an area beyond the boundary of the property then signage must be present. As the CCTV is mounted on private property then it is not necessary to say who is operating the CCTV as it is the household it is mounted on.

A situation where the above would not be applicable is if CCTV is installed in communal areas of a block of flats (provided permission is sought from the free holders/management company) then it is necessary for signage to point to the persons whom had the CCTV installed or the CCTV management company who had the CCTV installed as they are responsible for the building and it acts as a business not domestic.

CCTV sign rules for business properties

As a commercial or business property is not private property then any CCTV in place must comply with GDPR and GDPR compliant signage should always be in position.

Different CCTV Sign options

The sections below show several different CCTV signs in and have been categorised into whether they can be used to comply with the GDPR requirements or not.

All the below images both GDPR compliant and not are of signs which are available to purchase from "Safety Signs 4 Less" so it is important to make sure the appropriate signs are purchased and installed.

GDPR compliant CCTV signage

Showing purpose and who to contact

These signs are all GDPR compliant as they allow the entering of both the purpose for the CCTV and the details to contact the person(s) who are acting as the data controller.


Showing the purpose only

These signs are all GDPR compliant so long as it is obvious who the person(s) operating the CCTV is as they display the purpose for the CCTV but not who is operating it.


Custom signage

For a site that requires multiple signs or if a specific company needs signage then custom signs like the one above can be used where the details do not need to be written in by hand which may wear off quicker. They must be completed with the purpose of the CCTV and if necessary the operator of the CCTV.


Non GDPR compliant CCTV signage

These signs are all non compliant as they do not say why CCTV is in operation and who is doing so - they can be used as additional warnings but not exclusively.


Guide to CCTV signage sizes

When installing CCTV signs, you should always think about the size of sign you’re installing and make sure it’s appropriate for the environment - i.e. making sure it’s big enough to be seen depending on the distance.

The following is a quick visual guide to CCTV signage sizes . . .

Screen Shot 2020-07-22 at 07.41.38.png

Additional Resources

The following is a list of additional resources to read - mostly linking to UK government guidelines from the ICO.

Still need help?

SmartCamera are specialists in AI CCTV, and provide a CCTV support service & install service for UK-based customers.

Get in touch with our team here if you need help >>


CCTV & GDPR - a guide to CCTV and GDPR law & how to be compliant


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